Your gift to Forbes Library will support everything from new books to the new performance stage — our community hub where you can attend story time and summer reading programs and jazz concerts.

The Friends of Forbes will match up to $25,000 in donations, so your gift goes twice as far!

Every day we open our doors and work to provide the excellent resources our community relies on during good times, and even more in challenging ones. You help us be there no matter what.

Your generosity is going to provide new adventures, knowledge, and friends. We deeply appreciate your support, and we are grateful for all the ways our community shows its love of the library whether as patrons, volunteers, or donors. Your continued support is beyond appreciated by the entire Forbes staff.

We will put your gift to work in the support of the most critical needs for our community. Thank you!

Library Giving Day logo

Forbes Library, the public library for Northampton, is a welcoming haven for all. We build connections that strengthen our communities, inspire curiosity, open windows to the past, and create pathways to the future.

The library is open to everyone. Forbes Library is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and donations are tax deductible.