Vision Aids

Magnifying glasses
Illuminated magnifying glasses of various sizes and strengths are available at the Reference Desk and the Arts and Music Desk.
Desktop magnifier
You can find an Optelec Clear View 300 desktop magnifier in the Reference Room. Please ask at the reference desk for assistance.
Screen magnification software
Microsoft’s Magnifier program is installed on all our public computers. Please ask at the reference desk if you would like assistance with this software.
Screen reader software
NVDA screen reader software is installed on all our public computers. Please ask at the reference desk if you would like assistance getting on a computer and setting up this software.

Listening Aids

At Service Desks
Listening systems are installed at every service desk. Use your own t-coil enabled hearing aid or ask for a headset—you will be able to hear library staff clearly without minimal background noise.
At Library Programs
Assistive listening systems are available at library programs on site. Receivers are available with headphones or induction loops for use with telecoil enabled hearing aids.
Our online programs are captioned.

Assistive Technology for Loan

Forbes Library has a number of assistive devices that can be borrowed from the library for home use. Stop by the reference desk or call 413-587-1012 for more information. These include

  • A Ruby HD Video Magnifier—a small handheld digital magnifier.
  • Dome magnifiers—small lens that can be placed on a document to enlarge the text, available in a variety of sizes.
  • A National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped digital talking book player. We also have a small collection of talking book cartridges.
  • A portable FM assistive listening system –This assistive listenning system broadcasts a speaker´s voice, music program, or other audio wirelessly up to 1000 feet to participants using the included single-channel receivers. Listeners can listen to the broadcast at the volume of their comfort.