Accessible parking
Four accessible parking spaces are on the east side of the building, near the main entrance.
Accessible restrooms
Restrooms can be found on every floor of the library. All library restrooms are single-occupancy and ADA compliant.
Assistance retrieving library materials
We are always happy to help you retrieve library materials. If you encounter any difficulty reaching the materials you need, please let us know and we will fetch them for you.
Study areas, meeting rooms, tables, etc.
If you need a study area or meeting room that meets certain physical requirements, please let us know so we can find the space in the library that best meets your needs.
An elevator within the library provides access to all floors and a new elevator in the portico runs between the main floor and ground level.
A manual wheelchair is available for use in the library.
Northampton Senior Services Transportation Programs
Although not a library service, and while eligibility is determined by age, many Forbes Library patrons will find the Northampton Senior Services van and taxi services helpful. Serving Northampton, Florence, Leeds, West Hatfield and Easthampton, the services is available to residents who are 60 and over. See the Senior Services Transportation Page for more information.
Everything else
Is there anything else we can do to help you enjoy the library? Please contact us!