John Calvin Coolidge
July 4, 1872-January 5, 1933
Calvin Coolidge died in his home, “The Beeches,” in Northampton on January 5, 1933 at the age of 60 of heart disease. Coolidge was at his office at 25 Main Street in the morning and returned home for lunch. He was found on the floor of his dressing room at 12:25 pm by his wife Grace after she had returned home from shopping in downtown Northampton.
His funeral was held in Northampton at the Edwards Church on January 7 officiated by Rev. Albert Penner. The Daily Hampshire Gazette on January 7, 1933 reported that a special train from Washington, D.C. arrived to Northampton at 10 a.m. with 45 mourners including President and Mrs. Hoover, Vice-President Curtis and Chief Justice Hughes and members of Congress, Cabinet and old political and personal friends. The Washington delegation returned by train at Noon. Immediately following the Northampton funeral, 9 cars led by a police motorcycle traveled to Plymouth, Vermont where the President was buried.