Disability Advisory Board Agenda / 18 Jan 2019
- Announcements
- Forbes Library will screen Going Blind, most likely in March. A date had been set, but it may change due to interest from the Social Justice Film Series who may host.
- Barbara Black has agreed to lead a Braille storytime and a meet-the-guide-dog, most likely during the February school vacation week
- Funds for Voice Dream Reader on the library’s iPad have been approved
- Bluetooth speakers for accessibility events
- Promoting the Accessibility Focus series
- 13 attendees over 4 programs, for an average of 3.5 attendees per class
- In 2016 we 23 attendees for our program launch, 12 for our next program, and 5 for our remaining two programs
- Holding an a Assistive Technology Fair…
- Discussion, brainstorming, etc.
- potential collaborating partners