Full-text of The New York Times from 1985 to the present as a standalone file (also included in Academic OneFile).
Free for all Massachusetts residents. Provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Massachusetts Library System. Want help using this resource? Contact us.
Index coverage begins January 1, 1965.
Full-text coverage begins January 1, 1985.
Other ways to access the New York Times via the library
- New York Times (1851-2018)
- Searchable full-page and article reproductions from the first issue on Sept 18, 1851 up until December 31st 2018. Requires a free BPL eCard.
- New York Times (current edition)
- Access to nytimes.com with no limit on the number of articles viewed–limited access on a first-come-first-served basis. Requires a free BPL eCard.