413-587-1011 & choose options from the voice menu, or see Departmental Directory below
email or see Departmental Directory below.


Forbes Library Staff, Spring 2024


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Departmental Directory

Borrower Servicescirculation​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1011 option 2Mary Biddle
Christopher “Tex” Teghtsoonian
Children’s and Young Adult Serviceschildrens​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1010Sarah Johnson
Madison Socha-Bishop
Adult Services, Reference, Instructionreference​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1012 SMS: 413‑570‑0444Priya Charry
Heather Diaz
Arts & Music, Mediaart​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1013
Hosmer Gallerygallery@forbeslibrary.org413-587-1013Pamela Acosta
Calvin Coolidge Presidential
Library and Museum
coolidge​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1014Julie Bartlett Nelson
Hampshire Room for Local History,
Genealogy, & Special Collections
archives​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1014Dylan Gaffney
Interlibrary Loanill​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1011 ext. 4513Jill Emmons
Outreach Delivery Serviceoutreach​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1019Maria Sperduti
Directordirector​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1016Lisa Downing
Assistant Directormmoss​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1017Molly Moss
Business Officejlamour​@​forbeslibrary.org413-587-1017Jennie Lamour
Library Technical Servicestechservices@forbeslibrary.org413-587-1011 ext. 4528Alene Moroni
Benjamin Kalish

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