These online resources are great place to begin your research about books and authors.
Can’t find what you’re looking for? Try searching the catalog or asking a librarian.

Researchers at all levels will find the information they need on authors and their works in all genres and disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world. Includes biographical entries on more than 135,000 authors, more than 850,000 full-text articles, critical essays and reviews from scholarly journals, literary magazines, and other reference books.
Free for all Massachusetts residents. Provided by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners and the Massachusetts Library System. Want help using this resource? Contact us.

Looking for a good book to read? NoveList can help! Contains lists, reviews, feature articles, and more. Search by authors, plot lines, series, reading level, etc.
NoveList Plus, the non-fiction counterpart to NoveList, is a guide to narrative non-fiction such as history, biography, adventure, travel, you name it. An easy interface with many search options makes this an excellent reader’s advisory tool.
Free with any CW MARS library card, and provided by the CW MARS library network. Want help using this resource? Contact us.