New Books at Forbes (Wowbrary)

List of the most recent additions to our collections. You can see a list of titles selected from our entire collection, or view lists restricted to just a particular topic or format (such as DVDs, CDs).

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Book Discussions at Forbes

The library hosts monthly book discussions on a variety of subject from mystery to science fiction

NovelistPlus (login with your library card number)

Use your Forbes library card to access this reader’s advisory service: contains lists, reviews, feature articles, and more. Search by authors, plot lines, series, reading level, etc. NovelistPlus has large database of non-fiction titles searchable by subject, genre, tone, writing style, audience, and other criteria.

Booklist Reader

The latest reviews, Library Reads picks, and more from the American Library Association

Staff Picks

Reviews of books, audiobooks, movies, and music by Forbes Library staff

Local Authors

Many excellent authors have called the Pioneer Valley home

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Music & Movies

Forbes Film Club, CD & DVD staff picks, instruments to borrow, and more

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Other Northampton & Massachusetts Libraries

Resources you can use, for borrowing or research.

Neighborhood Free Book Boxes

In collaboration with Lilly Library, beautifully refurbished newspaper boxes will provide children, teens and adults access to free books in their neighborhoods.