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The Eyre Affair

**{[The]}** fir**{[st title]]}**}** in the Thur]}**sday **{[Next series, ta]**{[}**kes **{[us to a]}** **{[slightl]**{[}**y ]}**different]}** **{[versi]}**on of]}** Great Britai]**{[}****{[n, around 1]}**985,]}** wh**{[ere]}** tim**{[e travel]]}**}** is routine,]}** and peo**{[ple]}** hav**{[e cloned]]}**}** dodo **{[birds]}** has pets]}**. **{**{[[Thursday]}** is a m]}**{[**e**{[mb]}**er **{[of Special**{[ Ope*]}***{[rations 27, the]]}**}** lit****{[{[erary d]}**etective]**{[}** divis**{[ion.]}** He**{[r father]]}**}** is ****{[{[a member of the]]}**}** **{[Chronoguard,]}** **{[and **{[her u]}**nc**{[le inven]}**ts]}** **{[all kind**{[s of]}** inte**{[resti]}**ng **{[devices.]}** ]}**Thursday]}** **{[is inv]}**olve]}**d **{[when original]}** **{[manuscripts get]]}**}** **{[stolen, and]}** the**{[ stor]}**y **{[line st

The story of Vernon and Irene Castle

**{[Base]}**d **{[upon the]}** tr**]}**{[ue stor**{[y of the]]}**}** cel****{[{[ebrated]}** husband]**{[}** a**{[nd wife dan]}**cing]}** **{[team ]}**who **{[populari]}**zed ***{[*{[ballroom dance,]}** **{[this film]}** is th]}**e **{[most]}** **{[realisti**{[c,]}** **]}**{[the mos**{[t tragic]]}**}**,]}** and the most]}** **{[touc**{[hing ]}**of **{[the Astaire-R]}**o**{[gers films. The]]}**}** f**{[ilm takes]}** place]}** in t]}**he years]}** **{[betwe]}**e**{[n 1911 **{[and 1918]}**,]}** **{**{[[and the costume]}]}****s a**{[nd music]}** are**{[ larg]}****{[ely app**{[ropriate]]}**}** to ****{[{[that er]}**a. Most]}**{[** of **{[the danc]}**e seque]}**{[**n**{[ce]}**s emulate]}** the]}** Cast]}**le’s distinctive]]}**}** st**{**{[[yle—Asta]}**ire tap]}**{[** dan**{]}**[ces in o]}**nly one]}**{[** nu]}**mber and]}** **{[Rogers]}** not at]}**

Burn Notice

**{[This]}** **{[action-pack]}**ed]}** TV seri**{[es stars]]}**}** Jeffrey **{[Donovan]**{[}** a]}**s **{[agent Mic**{[hae]}**l]}** **{[Westen who rece]}**]}**ive****{[{[s a bur]}**n notice]**{[}** or **{[termina]}**tion not]**{[}**i**{[ce. He wake]}**s up]}** i**{[n Mia]}**mi **{[with no]]}**}** money **{[or identificati]**{[}**o**{[n, trappin]}**g him]}** ther]}**e **{[until wh**{[oever]}** burned him deci]}**des o***{[*{[therwi]}**se. While]**{[}** t]}**rying to]}** **{[figure]}** out **{]}**[who is r**{[esponsi]}]}****ble **{[for his burn]}** **{[notice, Michael]}** **{[helps people in]}** tro*]}***{[uble, using his]]}**}** uniqu**{[e ski]}**ll**{[s gained]}** as **]}**{[a spy. **{[Co-stars]}]}**** include **{[Bruc]}**e **{[Campbell**{[ ]}**(Evil Dea]}**d) and]}***{[* Shar**{]}**[on Gless]}** **{[(Cagne]}**

Decline and Fall

**{[This]}** **{[hilariou**{[s]}** BB*]}***{[C adapt**{[ation of]]}**}** Evel***{[*{[yn Wau]}**gh’s 1928]**{[}** n]}**ovel stars]}** **{[Jack]}** W**{[hitehal**{[l, David]]}**}** Suc**{[het, and]}** Ev**{[a Lo**{[ngoria]}**. It’s on**{[ ]}**Acorn TV, **{[which]}** mig]}**ht still]}** **{[have]}** a **{[30-]}**day free]}** t**{[ria]}**l*]}***{[–if not**{[, it alwa]}**]}**ys ****{[{[has 7 days free]]}**}**, so you can]}** w**{[atch **{[the 3]}** **{[episodes**{[ of *]}***{[this wi**{[tty mini]]}**}**ser**{**{[[ies. It follows]}**{[** th**{[e misadven]}**tures]}** of P]}**aul **{[Pennyfea]}**ther***{[*{[, an Oxford theo]]}**}**l**{[ogy student]}** who**{[ fall]}**s **{[into one awkw]}**ard ***{[*{[(to pu]}**t it mild]**{[}**ly**{[) situati]}**on afte]}**{[**r **{[a]}**nother by]}** **{[some]}** **{[fatef]}**ul **{[twisted]]}**}** logic and h

Such a Fun Age

**{[Race]}**, class a**{[nd]}** **]}**{[parenti**{[ng colli]]}**}**de **{**{[[in this thought]}]}**** provoking tale]]}**}** **{[centere**{[d around]]}**}** a **{**{[[special relatio]}]}****nship between]}** a lovable **{[and]}** pr**{[ecocious]]}**}** child **{[and her **{[amazing]**{[}** nanny]}**….**{[Race]}**, class a**{[nd]}** **]}**{[parenti**{[ng colli]]}**}**de **{**{[[in this thought]}]}**** provoking tale]]}**}** **{[centere**{[d around]]}**}** a **{**{[[special relatio]}]}****nship between]}** a lovable **{[and]}** pr**{[ecocious]]}**}** child **{[and her **{[amazing]**{[}** nanny]}**.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower

**{[John]}**n**{[y Heller n]}**]}**arrates **{[exactly]**{[}** the *]}***{[way yo**{[u imaged]]}**}** C**{[harlie’s voice]}** **{[while reading]}** The P***{[*{[erks o]}**f **{[Being a]**{[}** Wall*]}***{[flower**{[. Charlie]}**’]}****{[s matter-**{[of-fact]}*]}*** tone and use]}** of ****{[{[direct language]**{[}** **{[juxtaposes]}** with]}** the intensit]}**y…**{[erri]}**fying to]}** ex**{[hila*]}***{[rating**{[. Charlie]}**]}** is figuring]}** out how **{[to]}** be **{[a person]}**]}** i**{**{[[n the world. He]}]}**** is **{**{[[called a]}** freak,]}**{[** **{[he]}** experien]}**ce**{[s pa*]}***{[in and **{[love and]}** e**{]}**[very emo**{[tion in]}]}**** be**{[**{[tween. I highly]}***{[* rec**{[ommend both]}** the]}** pri*]}***{[nt book and the]]}**}** audi***{[*{[o book]}** to adult]}** a**{**{[[nd teen]}** readers.]**{[}** **{[A]}**nd while]}** **{[I’m a]}****{[t it,]}** **{[the movi**{[e]}** **{]}**[is prett]}**y great]}** too!

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