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Staff Picks Category: Series

Weetzie Bat by Francesca Lia Block []



“Lanky lizards!” Block paints a off-beat world of magical realism through her lyrical prose. Weetzie Bat is a glittery, non-conformist teen living in L.A. She meets the coolest guy at school, Dirk, and her quest for “happily ever after” begins. After you fall in love with this fun and quirky book, there are six others in Block’s Dangerous Angel series.

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The Boxcar Children by Gertrude Chandler Warner []



The original Boxcar Children tells the story of the four Alden children: Henry, Jessie, Violet, and Benny, who are orphans. One night, they take shelter in a bakery after buying some bread with the little cash they have. In exchange for allowing them to spend the night, they agree to help around the bakery. However, when they overhear the baker’s plans to keep the older three siblings but to take Benny to an orphanage because he is too young, they flee.

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