The Edible Book Event began in 1999, when co-founder Judith Holmberg, of Santa Monica, California, got the idea during a Thanksgiving dinner with book artists. Since that time it has grown and become an international event.

The festival honors French gastronome Jean-Anthelme Brillat-Savarin (1755-1826), famous for his book, The Physiology of Taste, a witty meditation on food. His birth date is April 1st. He wrote:
The discovery of a new dish confers more happiness on humanity than the discovery of a new star.

Since 1999, Edible Book events have been held in places as far-flung as Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Mexico, Morocco, The Netherlands, New Zealand, and Russia. In most cities where Edible Book events are held, the sponsors are art centers, academic institutions, restaurants, and book arts spaces. Northampton was one of the first places where a LIBRARY hosted the event!

For more information, see

The Edible Book in Northampton

For our first five years we held the Edible Book event alternating between Forbes and Lilly Libraries, but have recently gotten so big that we now use a separate venue. Every year the entries are amazing and the ideas so varied. Judges give awards to all entries and after the judging attendees, entrants, and judges all get to eat the books. Some previous judges have been Mary Clare Higgins, former Mayor of Northampton; Kelsey Flynn, actor, comedian and radio personality; Ellen Wittlinger, local author; Bob Paquette, WFCR news producer, T. Susan Chang, cookbook reviewer, and Steve Herrell, ice cream entrepreneur. We hope you will create an Edible Book or attend the event and be a Book AppreciEater.

The Edible Book contest is AWESOME! –Mina Stern-Wenk, 9

The Edible Books event is such a great opportunity for people in the community to get together to be creative! And there’s always something yummy to eat, too.–Gabe Gill, 13 and mom Penny Gill

A delightfully scrumptious event! –Laura Wenk

Making edible books has been a group effort my friends and I look forward to each year. The process is challenging and fun and results in lots of giggles, mess and great memories. The books are beautiful, unique and delicious! –Julie Bartlett

Everyone did amazing things with food — really clever, creative, and with such artistic ability. –Judy Stern