photo of Janet MouldingJanet Moulding, Director of Forbes Library since 2004, has announced her retirement, effective the end of this year.

Under Moulding’s leadership the library renovated both the Anna Gertrude Brewster Children’s Room and the Doland Reference room, making both more attractive and functional for library users. Additionally, the building envelope was restored. Moulding’s goal was always to make the library a more welcoming place for patrons; in 2015 the handicap lift which was frequently out of service was replaced by a fully functioning Victorianesque style elevator insuring that the library met Moulding’s goal of always being “accessible to all.”

Moulding served on the CW MARS (Central/Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing) Executive Committee and the Western Mass Library Advocates Board. She is a member of the American Library Association, the Massachusetts Library Association, the New England Library Association and the Western Mass Library Advocates.

“Janet Moulding has given the Forbes a decade of dynamic and forward looking leadership. She has also provided the Trustees with strong direction and wise counsel. You have only to visit the Library to appreciate her legacy. Janet will be missed by all who have worked with her. The Trustees feel a deep loss, but wish her a long and healthy retirement,” said Russell Carrier, President of the Board of Trustees.

Moulding’s first professional position was Director of the Gaylord Library in South Hadley; she was named the first Librarian (Director) of the Renaissance Center at the University of Massachusetts and later served as Assistant Director at Forbes.

Moulding holds a Masters degree in Library Science from the State University of New York at Albany; she received a Bachelors Degree from Northwestern University and a Masters in Early Modern English Literature from UMass.

After retirement Moulding plans to spend time riding her horse, volunteering at Forbes and reading more books.

A search committee has been formed to find a replacement. Members of the committee are Trustees Marjorie Hess, Chair and Russell Carrier, staff members Molly Moss and Dylan Gaffney and representing the Friends of Forbes, Martha McCormick, President, and Serena Smith.

CONTACT: Marjorie Hess, 586-5569; 413-210-1922