Thank you to the 181 library lovers who gave a total of $25,238 to support Forbes Library yesterday for Library Giving Day. This includes the $8,000 from the Friends of Forbes Library in matching funds and the additional $2,595 match from a group of generous donors. Hooray for every one of you!
Your continued support makes such a difference to Forbes, and we are grateful for your part in sustaining our excellent in-person resources and the physical spaces that our community relies on during good times and even more in challenging ones.
We look forward to putting your donations to work in the support of the most critical needs for the patrons in our community. This includes support for our homebound delivery service, support for initiatives to reach underserved communities, craft and STEAM kits for kids, growing ebook and streaming media collections, and much more. We are deeply appreciative of your support and grateful for all the ways our community shows its love of the library whether as patrons, volunteers, or donors.
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best.
With gratitude,
Lisa Downing, Director and the Forbes Library Staff