Shelly Ruocco

Photo portrait of Shelly Ruocco
Shelly Ruocco

For me, libraries are safe and welcoming islands of calm, gathering spots for community members and a limitless collection of knowledge, information and resources. You are likely to find me at Forbes weekly, searching in a Library for great books and videos, attending educational programming or wandering through the gallery. I look forward to learning more about how as a Trustee I can support Forbes and its patrons.

Some books I have read recently and loved:

Rebekah Anderson

photo portrait of Rebekah Anderson
Rebekah Anderson

I love libraries, and so appreciate their importance in creating healthy, welcoming communities for all. I have been an active library user throughout my life, and spent my 40-year career working as a librarian. I feel blessed to serve as a Trustee of Forbes Library, and to give back to the community that welcomed me warmly not so very long ago.

Books I have especially enjoyed in recent years:

Anne Teschner

Photo of Anne Teschner, Trustee
Anne Teschner

My love of libraries and Forbes comes from the recognition that libraries are the centers of curiosity. They are the holders of knowledge, experience and expression but they are centrally the mothers and guides of curiosity.

Here are some books that I’ve enjoyed:

Ruth Francis

photo portrait of Ruth Franchis
Ruth Francis

Reading is my way to escape the 24/7 news headlines so I can relax and be entertained. I’ve always been open to reading anything and am not tied to a specific genre or author. Forbes Library is important to me because it offers so many resources (audio books, computers, DVDs, online newspapers & magazines, musical instruments) that are available to everyone in the community to use for free!

Books I recommend:

Katy Wight

Photo of Katy Wight, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees
Katy Wight

Some of the people who had the most impact on shaping who I am were librarians (including my grandmother). They gave me access to a universe of books, encouraged my curiosity, and gave me the freedom to choose the direction I wanted to explore. I want everyone to have that opportunity. Forbes Library is a safe place where anyone can freely access information, learn, explore, and escape. I am proud to support this amazing institution and the people who make it what it is.

These are 5 books I keep recommending to people:

Debin Bruce

Photo of Debin Bruce, Trustee
Debin Bruce

Books have always been important to me. I mostly find my way to non-fiction, but I am in a neighborhood book club that reads a wide assortment of books. I so appreciate the extensive services and programming at Forbes, but it’s the books that keep me coming back week after week.

Books I liked:

Russell Carrier

Russell Carrier, President of the Board of Trustees
Russell Carrier

Forbes is important to me because it is a free and safe space for all who need it. Especially, in these difficult times we must do all we can to make sure that the dream that inspired Judge Forbes endures.

Five books I’d recommend: