Looking for a place to volunteer? Consider volunteering for Forbes Library or check out these pages.

Northampton Survival Center
(413) 586-6564 or info@northamptonsurvival.org
The Northampton Survival Center is dedicated to improving the quality of life for low-income individuals and families throughout Hampshire County by providing nutritious food and other resources in an atmosphere of dignity and respect.
Friends of Hampshire County Homeless
volunteer@hamphomeless.org or (413) 320-1886
The expressed mission of The Friends is to help homeless people in Hampshire County live with dignity by providing emergency shelter and related services, creating housing, and advocating for the homeless.
Catholic Charities
(413) 452-0606 or k.brawner@diospringfield.org
Catholic Charities Agency works with individuals, families, parishes and communities to help them meet their needs, identify their strengths, address oppression, and overcome barriers to build a just and compassionate society.
(413) 216-4623
COMPASSUS Hospice offers several different types of volunteer positions in Northampton and neighboring towns.
The ACT Volunteer Center
413-774-7054 x119 or babraham@dialself.org
ACT is a regional volunteer center serving Hampshire and Franklin Counties and the North Quabbin region. The role of the center is to link people of all ages with opportunities to serve in their communities.
Local volunteer opportunities are listed here. This site also has employment and intern opportunities.
RSVP of the Pioneer Valley
413-387-4558 or RSVP@communityaction.us
1 Prince Street, Northampton
RSVP is the volunteer connector for people 55 and over in the Pioneer Valley. One-time, short-term, and on-going opportunities are available. RSVP staff provide ongoing one-on-one support.
VolunteerMatch is the largest online network of volunteer opportunities. You can search by geographic area and areas of interest. This is a place to post opportunities as well.
Massachusetts Service Alliance
Massachusetts Service Alliance connects volunteers in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline
The Massachusetts Adult Literacy Hotline can help find volunteer opportunities for people interested in volunteering in Adult Basic Education programs.
Daily Hampshire Gazette
Volunteer opportunities are frequently listed in the Life / Announcements Section.
Western Mass Craigslist Volunteer Page
The Craigslist of Western Massachusetts maintains a forum of local volunteer opportunities.