Heritage Hub, formerly America’s Obituaries & Death Notices, is a large and comprehensive collection of newspaper obituaries and death notices. An easy-to-use interface allows searching by name, dates, or text keywords such as workplace, schools attended, towns lived in, social clubs, churches attended or charities.

Provided by Forbes Library and available remotely to Northampton residents with a CW MARS card. Want help using this resource? Contact us.

Obituaries and death notices are drawn from over 4,000 sources in 55 States and Territories. Coverage for some publications goes as far back as 1860, though most publications’ coverage begins in the last few decades. Local publications include:

  • The Amherst Bulletin (Amherst)
  • The Berkshire Eagle (Pittsfield)
  • The Daily Hampshire Gazette (Northampton)
  • The Herald (Chicopee)
  • The Metro West Reminder (East Longmeadow)
  • The Recorder (Greenfield)
  • The Republican (Springfield)
  • The Valley Advocate (Easthampton)

For news articles in these publications, try Newsbank.