For students whose schools require remote study, the Forbes Library is happy to proctor exams subject to staff availability and the requirements of the school.

Fill out the form below and a librarian will coordinate with you to schedule your exam.

  1. Schedule your exam at least 7 days in advance. Proctoring is only available during regular library hours. If your school requires the library to register to receive passwords or materials, take this into account when scheduling the exam.
  2. We cannot personally monitor you for the entire duration of the exam. It is your responsibility to check if these conditions are acceptable to your school.  
  3. If you will be taking your exam:
    1. on paper: a librarian will sign you in and out, fill out the necessary paperwork, and return mail your exam. You must provide a stamped, addressed envelope. If your exam must be printed you will be responsible for the $0.20 per page printing cost.
    2. on a library computer: you will need to reserve a computer in advance. If specific software is required, please indicate it on this form.
    3. on your own computer: you are responsible for verifying that your computer has the necessary software and meets the requirements of your school. Wireless internet access is available throughout the building. We strongly advise testing your laptop’s wireless connection in the library before you take your exam.  
  4. You are responsible for knowing how to access and take your exam and for providing any necessary information to the library in a timely manner.

I am aware that the library is a public place and relatively quiet, but we can make no guarantees about the atmosphere on a given day.  I understand that I am responsible for knowing how to access my exam and proceed with the test.

  1. (required)
  2. (valid email required)
  3. My exam will be