Unless noted otherwise, rooms may be used for up to three hours for the cost stated.

Type of Event Bak Study Room Watson Room Community Room
Free public or private event sponsored by non-profits, civic groups and individuals. Does not include fundraisers or any event at which donations are requested. (See Event with admission fee below.) No Charge No Charge No Charge
Tutoring or private lessons with fee. $5.00 $5.00 Not Available
Business meetings and promotions: Free public or private event to present information about a business or to meet with paying clients. $20.00 $30.00 $50.00
Event with admission fee sponsored by a civic group, individuals, or non-profit groups. Includes fundraisers and any event where donations are requested. Not Available $15.00 $25.00
Event with admission fee sponsored by commercial business. Includes fundraisers and any event where donations are requested. $30.00 $40.00 $75.00
Private party, e.g. birthdays, weddings. Not Available Not Available $40.00
After hours events: Events held before or after normal Library hours. Three hour minimum, including required half hour set-up and clean-up. Not Available Not Available $50.00 per hour


Please pay for meeting room use only after your reservation has been approved and at least two weeks prior to the reserved date.
To pay a meeting room fee, please do one of the following:

  • pay online using PayPal in our library store;
  • send a check to the library by mail,  Attn: Business Office;
  • bring a check to the Business Office during open hours.