Department | Staff | Phone |
Main Circulation Desk | Mary Biddle Christopher “Tex” Teghtsoonian |
413-587-1011 option 2 |
Children’s and Young Adult Services | Sarah Johnson | 413-587-1010 |
Reference, Instruction and Help Desk | Alene Moroni | 413-587-1012 SMS: 413‑570‑0444 |
Arts & Music, Media, Hosmer Gallery | Faith Kaufmann | 413-587-1013 |
Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum | Julie Bartlett Nelson | 413-587-1014 |
Hampshire Room for Local History, Genealogy, & Special Collections |
Dylan Gaffney | 413-587-1014 or 413-587-1013 |
Interlibrary Loan | Jill Emmons | 413-587-1011 ext.4513 |
Outreach Delivery Service | Maria Sperduti | 413-587-1019 |
Director | Lisa Downing | 413-587-1016 |
Assistant Director Patron Services |
Molly Moss | 413-587-1017 |
Business Office | Jennie Lamour | 413-587-1017 |
Library Technical Services | Paula Elliott | 413-587-1011 ext.4528 |
For any department not listed dial 413-587-1011 and listen to prompts or dial 4-digit extension.
To email a staff member, use [first initial][last name] or use the online contact form.