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New Morning

The late 1960’s early/ 70’s happens to be a great period for Bob Dylan, thank you for asking. Nashville Skyline, the Basement Tapes, Self Portrait (though many have said I’m…the song. Dylan’s voice and delivery began to shift around 1968. He lost a bit of the raspy quality that his earlier recordings possessed and started leaning a bit on the softer side in his vocals. This is not to say he’s taking a casual approach to his singing; Dylan is most noticeably passionate on the title track, “Day of the Locusts” and “the Man in Me” (featured in the soundtrack of the Big Lebowski). New Morning is just another one of those…

Pay my fines

Forbes Library does not charge overdue fines. Fees may appear on your account as the result of overdue fines from other libraries or as the result of lost or damaged…are accepted at the Circulation Desk and the Children’s Desk. Credit and Debit cards are accepted online. Paying fines using your debit or credit card You can pay online using your Visa, MasterCard, American Express or Discover. You can also make a donation to your local library! How to pay fines: Login to your account. In Account Summary, click on “Pay Fines” to pay all fines OR select the charges that you wish to pay and click on the “Pay Select…

Special Collections Policy

Forbes Library Special Collections Collection Development Policy   Forbes Library is the public library for Northampton, Massachusetts. Its Mission Statement applies to all collections and services. Special Collections are also…the original collecting mission; two- and three-dimensional works by locally and nationally known artists. Most works are on display in the building for public viewing. Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States The Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library & Museum at Forbes Library is the largest source of primary material on Calvin and Grace Coolidge. The collection consists of manuscripts, speeches, letters, videos, recordings, microfilm…


This is a difficult-to-classify tale of a medical researcher studying near death experiences. An interesting cast of characters of different races and backgrounds populate the novel and the story takes…akes several turns, mostly unexpected. The politics and gossip and in a hospital setting are realistically portrayed. For mystery lovers who don’t mind a touch of medical-science-fiction. And for the philosophically inclined lover of escape fiction. A bit of a spooky read, and not everyone lives happily ever after. I found the main character a bit exasperating. But I had trouble putting it down until the end….

Krazy Kat: the Comic Art of George Herriman

Krazy Kat was a remarkable and hugely influential daily comic. Found in newspapers around the country for over 30 years, from 1913 and 1944, it would influence comics greats such…y Kat creator George Herriman, and includes a large collection of beautifully reproduced daily and Sunday Krazy Kat strips. Herriman’s astonishing Sunday Krazy Kats are reason to pick up this book alone. Giant, free form, brightly colored affairs, unconstrained by the rigid panels of today’s strips, it is the surreal landscapes and innovative design of the Sunday strips for which Herriman is best know, and with good reason. (Fans of Calvin and Hob…

Coolidge and Civil Rights

Resources Regarding Calvin Coolidge’s Record on African-American Rights, Native American Rights and Immigration The Board of Trustees of Forbes Library recently renewed its commitment to “seek out and eliminate underlying…hat the media landscape was changing, and the American presidency was rapidly becoming an office heavily reliant upon a cultivated image and press coverage. Although Coolidge’s astute self-awareness about the evolving demands of the presidency provided prescient, many of his beliefs about Native Americans were firmly grounded in the previous century’s predominant paternalistic policies of assimilation. In that sense, Calvin Coolidge’s relationship…

The life and death of Old Main

The life and death of Old Main: Images preserve the legacy of a now-demolished Northampton State Hospital building by Sarah Dunlap [Originally published in The Daily Hampshire Gazette on: Thursday, December 13,…ad repair. In fact some of the floors were so rotten that you couldn’t really walk through some of the hallways,” he said. “It was really dangerous. The sub-basement was half full of water, and I couldn’t go in there, because you needed diving gear to get into that part of the building, and there was a lot of broken glass.” In one photograph, Majeski shows the front of Old Main, an imposing structure with discolored red bricks and shattered window…

The Whistling Season

“Can’t cook but doesn’t bite.” So begins the newspaper ad offering the services of an “A-1 housekeeper, sound morals, exceptional disposition” that draws the hungry attention of widower Oliver Milliron…9. And so begins the unforgettable season that deposits the noncooking, nonbiting, ever-whistling Rose Llewellyn and her font-of-knowledge brother, Morris Morgan, in Marias Coulee along with a stamped of homesteaders drawn by the promise of the Big Ditch — a gargantuan irrigation project intended to make the Montana prairie bloom. When the schoolmarm runs off with an itinerant preacher, Morris is pressed into service, setting the stage for the “se…


This is a very interesting recording. Bhagavan Das sings traditional kirtans and bhajans, or devotional songs, from India, and his performance shows his deep familiarity with these traditions while simultaneously…oops which give the album a very modern feel, but don’t, perhaps surprisingly, feel the least bit out of place. In addition, Das is accompanied by a wide range of musicains playing instruments from the east and from the west, traditional and modern. We hear guitars and ektar, drum sets and tabla, sarangi and synthesizers, harmoniums, organs, and conch shells. We can also hear the influence of the blues, the Beatles, and traditional Indian singing…

The Weird Sisters

The first odd thing I noticed about this novel is that it’s told in the first person plural. It’s a clever and engaging device for sisters talking about themselves and…or spiteful as siblings are about each other. Not much happens (three adult sisters move home as their mother struggles with cancer; they find themselves to be more than they thought) but plot doesn’t much matter as the book is about personalities, family relationships, and how we evolve through involvement with others. A rich vein of Shakespeare runs through Weird Sisters in the naming of characters, the professor father’s constant quoting, and t…

Girl Groups

This rare, long out of print copy of Steve Alpert and Stephanie Bennett’s 1982 film provides a joyous glimpse into the history and development of the girl group sound. In…general direction of lions and bears in a zoo. The film quality is certainly dated and shows it’s age in places, and a segment on the Supremes runs perhaps a bit too long (Motown required a minimum of ten songs to be featured for the rights to the Supremes) while other important groups are barely mentioned. All things considered, the interview segments and performances more than make up for these faults and the film stands as a valuable artifact…

Louis C.K. : Hilarious

If you are easily offended by delicate or obscene subject matter, this 2010 concert film is, clearly, blatantly, spectacularly… not for you. Come to think of it, if you are…ded by delicate or obscene subject matter, this 2010 concert film is, clearly, blatantly, spectacularly… not for you. Come to think of it, if you are offended by ANY words, in and of themselves, regardless of context, you may want to look elsewhere. It’s not that Louis is un-necessarily mean spirited or seeks to offend (well, except that he admittedly is and does, admitting at one point herein that shocking people makes him laugh) but he will leav…

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