
Forbes Library Disability Advisory Board

Fri January 18 2019

3:00 PM

  1. Announcements
  1. Forbes Library will screen Going Blind, most likely in March. A date had been set, but it may change due to interest from the Social Justice Film Series who may host.
  2. Barbara Black has agreed to lead a Braille storytime and a meet-the-guide-dog, most likely during the February school vacation week
  3. Funds for Voice Dream Reader on the library’s iPad have been approved
  4. Bluetooth speakers for accessibility events
  1. Promoting the Accessibility Focus series
  • 13 attendees over 4 programs, for an average of 3.5 attendees per class
  • In 2016 we 23 attendees for our program launch, 12 for our next program, and 5 for our remaining two programs
  1. Holding an a Assistive Technology Fair…
  2. Discussion, brainstorming, etc.
  1. potential collaborating partners