® enables consumers to make better purchasing decisions on thousands of products and services, with ratings, reviews, recommendations, and buying advice.

Provided by Forbes Library and available remotely to Northampton residents with a CW MARS card. Want help using this resource? Contact us.

  • 8,500+ Ratings & Reviews over more than 200 product categories
  • Buying guides tell you how to make an informed purchase
  • Consumer news and advice on topics including health issues, recalls, and scams
  • Best Time To Buy offers expert advice on the best deals every month
  • Covered products include Air Purifiers, Computers, Electric Toothbrushes, Generators, Mattresses, Refrigerators, SUVs, Tires, TVs, Vacuum Cleaners, Washing Machines, and many others

Although some content on is available for free, Forbes Library patrons will have access to vastly more content when accessing it through the library. The online subscription also includes additional content not available in the magazine, including updates to previously-published test results and greater coverage; for example, vehicle reliability (frequency of repair) tables online extend over the full 10 model years reported in the Annual Questionnaires, whereas the magazine has only a six-year history of each model.