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Assistive Technology

Vision Aids Magnifying glasses Illuminated magnifying glasses of various sizes and strengths are available at the Reference Desk and the Arts and Music Desk. Desktop magnifier You can find an Optelec…n a variety of sizes. A National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped digital talking book player. We also have a small collection of talking book cartridges. A portable FM assistive listening system –This assistive listenning system broadcasts a speaker´s voice, music program, or other audio wirelessly up to 1000 feet to participants using the included single-channel receivers. Listeners can listen to the broadcast at the volu…

Newspapers at Forbes Library

Forbes Library subscribes to a number of newspapers for use in the library. In addition, we have online access to many newspapers, and a collection of historical newspapers on microfilm….h, past month any previous month not on microfilm Financial Times current week, past week none Greenfield Recorder current week, past week none New York Times current week, past week none Rainbow Times (monthly) last 12 months none Springfield Republican current week, past week current month, past month Valley Advocate (weekly) past 6 months none Wall Street Journal current week, past week none…

Forms 1040A and 1040EZ are here!

February 3, 2015 — Federal income tax forms 1040A and 1040EZ have arrived, and can be found in the reference room. The IRS has also shipped our copies of form 1040—we can expect to…t Income Tax and Massachusetts Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax booklets. For information about tax forms in the library, where to find forms online, and local tax assistance, please see our community resource page on taxes….

State Income Tax forms arrive

January 16, 2015 — The 2014 Massachusetts Resident Income Tax and Massachusetts Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax booklets have arrived, and can be found in the reference room. For information about tax forms in…The 2014 Massachusetts Resident Income Tax and Massachusetts Nonresident or Part-Year Resident Income Tax booklets have arrived, and can be found in the reference room. For information about tax forms in the library, where to find forms online, and local tax assistance, please see our community resource page on taxes….

Calvin Coolige At Home in Northampton

June 2, 2009 — Calvin Coolidge At Home in Northampton, a new book by local historian and volunteer Susan Well, is now available. Using original material from the collections at the Calvin Coolidge Presidential…the Calvin Coolidge Presidential Library and Museum, Well presents the daily life and residences of Calvin Coolidge in Northampton, Massachusetts. Well uses new sources to document the unique and interesting personal life stories of Coolidge’s landlords and neighbors. Most of the Museum’s visitors ask where the former President lived, and now we have a definitive answer for them. Susan Well will give an author talk and book signing at the Coolidg…

Your library account

Your library account can be used to log in to a variety of resources, including the library catalog. You can log in to your the catalog using the “Log into…ber. You can change your password at anytime by logging into the catalog. Please note that you may have additional accounts associated with the library such as an account with Kanopy or with Mango Languages. The passwords for these other accounts are not necessarily the same as the password for your library account. Renewing expired accounts Library accounts expire periodically to allow us to verify current information. If your account has been ex…

Bak Study Room

The Bak Study Room is approximately 12′ x 11′ and contains a round table and 4 chairs. The Bak Study Room is intended for small group study and tutoring. It…and Rules Limited to groups of 6 people or fewer. Reservations can be made online (pending confirmation by the library), by phone (413-587-1013), or in person at the Arts & Music desk. You can reserve up to a 3-hour block of time. Patrons are limited to 5 outstanding reservations at any time Please be on time; if you are 15 minutes late or if you vacate the room for over 15 minutes, the room may be given to another group. Only the library’s dry-er…

Amazing Grace

I missed this film when it was showing at Amherst Cinema in the Before Times, so I was very excited to find it on Hulu. [It’s available on a variety of streaming services.] After a long, troubled production history, this film, which documents Aretha Franklin’s 1972 recording of her live gospel album, also called Amazing Grace. She recorded the album over two nights at the New Temple Missionary Baptist Church in Los Angeles with her own band as we…

Crash Course World History

Library users may know John Green best as the author of such popular books as The Fault in Our Stars and An Abundance of Katherines, but he is also a prolific YouTube…occasional tangents and jokes, but the content remains focused and extremely informative, and he doesn’t shy away from difficult topics like imperialism, fascism, and slavery. Each episode is just over ten minutes long. The length is appropriate for an easily digestible summary that leaves you curious and interested to learn more about a topic. Episodes include The Agricultural Revolution, The Silk Road and Ancient Trade, Mansa Musa and Islam in…

NPR’s Tiny Desk Concerts

I recently discovered this delightful corner of the internet and have treated myself to these eclectic short musical sets ever since. I’ve experienced some great new artists and some sets by beloved familiar ones. They are all recorded live at the desk of All Songs Considered by host Bob Boilen, except for the last few which are home editions. There is something for all musical tastes and will tide you over until you can get out to your next live…

Bach’s Chaconne on nyckelharpa

In these times of isolation and anxiety, here’s something gorgeous and sublime to help you reconnect with joy and remind everybody why the arts matter. Torbjörn Näsbom connects two of…one form or another as it evolved, for more than 600 years. It’s used mostly for Swedish folk music, which I could do a dozen staff picks on, but many musicians are playing other repertoire on it. Listen and enjoy 13 minutes of 16-string deliciousness. There’s more Bach and traditional Swedish nyckelharpa tunes on Torbjörn’s YouTube channel. It’s a delight from beginning to end (and I hope it never ends). For information in English about the nyck…

A Passion for the Planet

This live performance of Geoffrey Hudson A Passion for the Planet was recorded in Northampton, at Smith College’s Sweeney hall, and performed by the Illuminati Vocal Arts Ensemble with the…climate crisis go away. But perhaps, by forming an emotional connection with the topic, it can help us confront the stark realities. And when we see those realities—and truly take them in—maybe then, together, nourished by hope, we can work together to find a way forward.” – Geoffrey Hudson…

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