Here are some useful websites for information about the life and presidency of Calvin Coolidge. If you have any further specific research questions, you may contact the archivist at 413-587-1014 or
- Bibliography of works by and about Calvin Coolidge
- Calvin Coolidge Memorial Foundation, Plymouth Notch, Vermont
- President Calvin Coolidge State Historic Site, Plymouth Notch, Vermont
- White House Historical Association
- Library of Congress Presidential Inaugurations
- Library of Congress’s American Memory Project Prosperity and Thrift: The Coolidge Era and the Consumer Economy, 1921-1929 assembles a wide array of Library of Congress source materials from the 1920s that document the widespread prosperity of the Coolidge years, the nation’s transition to a mass consumer economy, and the role of government in this transition. The collection includes papers, books, pamphlets, legislative documents, consumer and trade journals, photographs, films and audio. The collection is particularly strong in advertising and mass-marketing materials and will be of special interest to those seeking to understand economic and political forces at work in the 1920s.
- Index to the Calvin Coolidge Papers at the Library of Congress This index is to Coolidge Papers at the Library of Congress. Forbes Library has these papers on microfilm.
- Digital Commonwealth Ten images from the Coolidge Museum are online at this statewide digital library project.
- Republican Party Platform in 1924
- Fox Movietone News Collection at the University of South Carolina University Libraries Moving Image Research Collections features silent newsreel from Fox News from 1919 into 1930. This is the largest collection of Coolidge on film.
- 1920: The Year of the Six Presidents by David Pietrusza.
Author’s Web Site:
You can also find the book in the Library Catalog - Calvin Coolidge’s electric exercise horse