Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple [Book]

Semple returns to ground she covered in Where’d You Go, Bernadette? (2012) with an artistic antiheroine fumbling through her life of privilege as a NYC transplant to Seattle. Married to a celebrity hand doctor and ten years separated from her career as a groundbreaking animator, Eleanor Flood spends her days studying poetry with an untenured professor and thinking acerbic thoughts about the other moms at her precocious son’s private school. Having lunch with a former minion breaks something free in Eleanor’s past, and her life falls apart over the course of an afternoon. The reader learns details of her backstory and sympathizes, despite the seemingly trivial nature of her troubles (Sticking her foot in her mouth with her poetry teacher! Estrangement from her sister! Her husband’s absence from his practice! Her son’s enjoyment of makeup!).
Hilarious and touching, this will satisfy Semple’s numerous fans and gain her new ones. Great for readers of women’s fiction, Seattle denizens and aspiring residents, and people reviewing their lives and choices.