Last Tang Standing by Lauren Ho [Book]

Andrea Tang, at 33, is living the life she is supposed to live in Singapore: up for partner at her law firm, in possession of the latest designer handbag, surrounded by devoted friends, living in a posh apartment. The only thing she hasn’t successfully accomplished is landing a husband. When her cousin’s engagement leaves her the titular last Tang standing (unmarried), things start to get real. Competing with her office mate Suresh for promotion while dating handsome and wealthy marriage-minded entrepreneur Eric, Andrea has to decide what she wants from her life and what happiness means to her. Does she make partner, marry Eric, and live lavishly ever after? Does she quit her job and redirect her life entirely? Is her rivalry with Suresh shifting from antagonism to civility to friendship to something else?
Ho’s debut novel is a charming and witty diary of a year in the life of Andrea Tang. It’s a good match for fans of The Hating Game, Crazy Rich Asians, and misguided young professional women.