You Are Stardust
by Elin Kelsey
This book will definitely spark a child’s curiosity about the world around them. Elin Kelsey explores topics of the universe and nature through simple and lighthearted text complimented by beautiful artwork. Soyeon Kim captivates her audience with magical three dimensional dioramas that jump off the page.

Like this book? Try Infinity and Me by Kate Hosford
Reviewed by Ellen
Tagged: Facts of Life, Fiction, Nature, Picture books, Science
Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match
by Monica Brown
A wonderful book about self confidence and being an individual! The story centers around a young Scottish-Peruvian girl who is extremely creative, confident, and embraces her mixed heritage. Everyone in Marisol’s life tells her that she doesn’t match- her clothes, her name, even her red hair. Marisol tries to change her appearance and the way she acts but ends up very unhappy. Her teacher asks her why she changed and Marisol could not find a reasons. In the end she realizes that other people’s opinions don’t matter and she is happy to be herself.
Reviewed by Ellen
Tagged: Bilingual, Families, Friendship, Memoir, Picture books
Chocolate Me!
by Taye Diggs , illustrated by Shane W. Evans
A little boy is teased by his white friends because he looks different, but his mom teaches his to love his looks.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Picture books
A Splash of Red: The Life and Art of Horace Pippin
by Jen Bryant; illustrated by Melissa Sweet
Horace couldn’t stop drawing. He drew all the time and said, “Pictures just come to my mind…and I tell my heart to go ahead”. Horace never stopped making pictures. Not while working hard every day to provide for his family and not even when he was in the trenches in France during WWI. Of the war, Horace said, it “brought out all the art in me”. He painted war scenes, bible scenes, and what he saw of everyday life. This is an engaging picture book that will introduce children to a great American artist.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Art, Non-fiction, Picture books
When the Beat Was Born: DJ Kool Herc and the Creation of Hip Hop
by Laban Carrick Hill; pictures by Theodore Taylor III
In his introduction to Jeff Chang’s book Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip Hop Generation, DJ Kool Herc says, “Hip-hop is the voice of this generation.” This picture book tells the story of the beginning of hip hop in the Bronx. Clive wanted to be a DJ since he was young. He grew up in Kingston, Jamaica and looked up to a DJ named King George. Clive moved to New York to live with his mama when he was 13 years old. He started going by the name Kool Herc and became DJ Kool Herc when he was able to rewire his father’s sound system to get a really big sound! He was the first person to use two turntables to extend the break so people could really dance to the music. DJ Kool Herc was in high demand for house parties and street parties. He would plug his sound system into the lampposts to get power. The music was just one part of the budding hip hop culture in the Bronx. Hip hop has its own music (rap and beats), its own dance (break dancing) and its own visual art (graffiti). DJ Kool Herc loved music and his contribution to hip hop is something kids should be reading about!
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Hip-Hop, Picture books
Raven and the Red Ball
by Sarah Drummond
This is a beautiful wordless picture book with woodcut illustrations. A dog finds a red ball and begins to play until a raven appears. With eyes red like the ball, the raven takes the ball from the dog. Defeated and exhausted after chasing the raven, the dog stops to rest only to be pleasantly surprised by the red ball falling from above.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Animals, Fiction, Picture books, Woodcut prints
When the Moon is Full: A Lunar Year
by Penny Pollock; illustrations by Mary Azarian
Full moons come,
full moons go,
softening nights
with their silver glow.
This book has amazing illustrations by Vermont woodcut artist, Mary Azarian. Pollock tells the story of the lunar calendar. Each month has a verse describing the twelve moons according to Native American tradition and a hand-colored woodcut illustration.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Animals, Fiction, Moon, Native American, Nature, Picture books, Seasons, Woodcut prints
Smelling Sunshine
by Constance Anderson
This beautifully illustrated picture book is a reminder to slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures in life! Mother and child have fun washing the clothes and hanging them out for the warm sun to dry.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Fiction, Mommy and me, Picture books
In the Small, Small Pond
by Denise Fleming
In the small, small pond a frog encounters tadpoles, geese, dragonflies, turtles, herons, minnow, and many other animals. All of a sudden there is a chill in the air and winter is here.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Animals, Fiction, Nature, Picture books, Seasons
Un regalo de gracias: La leyenda de la Altagracia
by Julia Alvarez; illustrations by Beatriz Vidal
Maria is afraid that her family will have to abandon their farm after their olive crop fails. Then one night she dreams of a beautiful and mysterious lady. Maria and her family plant seeds to grow oranges. Soon they have an amazing orange grove. Maria wonders who the beautiful lady that came to her in her dream is.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Families, Fiction, Picture books, Spanish language
Rabbit discovers the magic of the moon in this beautifully illustrated story.
“Moonlight slides like butter
skims through outer space
skims past stars and comets”
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Animals, Fiction, Moon, Picture books
Finding the Green Stone
Find the Green Stone is a story about a boy named Johnny who lives in a town where everyone has a glowing green stone. Johnny is distraught when he loses his stone and it takes the community coming together to help him for Johnny to realize he needs to find the love in his heart to get his glowing green stone back.
Reviewed by Bridget
Tagged: Fiction, Picture books